The general objective of this study was to determine participatory engagement as a governance factor influencing the organizational performance of devolved health sector in Kenya. The study adopted survey descriptive and correlational designs. Systematic sampling was utilized to arrive at the 5 selected county referral hospitals out of the 47 counties in the country. The 5 county referral hospitals selected were; Machakos, Thika, Longisa, Kajiado and Msambweni. K’reije & Morgan. Table formula was used to calculate the sample size of 360 health workers from a target population of 6383 health workers in the five county level five hospitals. A proportionate random sampling was used to select 72 health care workers per facility. The study combined the elements of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The primary data was collected using questionnaires whose content was appropriate to test the hypothesis and address the research questions being studied. Multiple regression analysis often referred to simply as regression analysis, was utilized to examine the effects of multiple independent variables (predictors) on the value of the dependent variable, or outcome. The study findings indicated that citizen participation has a positive influence on organizational performance of devolved health care sector. The findings suggested that there was need for the health care sector function to be devolved to the counties to allow for more budgetary allocations, citizen inclusivity in decision making, timely response to health care needs, government planning and interventions and management accountability and transparency. The study recommended further research on the challenges that may influence the implementation of devolved health care sector in Kenya.
Key Words: Participatory Engagement, Devolution, Health Care.
CITATION: Mutangili, C. M., Waiganjo, E., & Njeru, A. (2018). Participatory engagement as a governance factor influencing performance of devolved health care sector in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 5 (4), 23 – 32.
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