Logistics activities have been widely studied and measurement scales have been developed to link logistics with competitive advantage. However, in developing countries, more specifically in Kenya, limited research had been conducted on logistical innovation and service delivery, despite the country experiencing a significant increase in its global Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The study sought to establish the influence of logistical innovation on service delivery in 3PL companies in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to investigate the effect of Omni-Channels and Green Logistics on service delivery of 3PL firms in Kenya. Regarding this, the study adopted a cross-sectional survey design as it was concerned with analyzing the characteristics of third party logistical entities with regards to logistical innovation. The population of interest for this study was the employees of Spedag Inter-freight limited. The study used stratified random sampling to select a sample size of 51 respondents. Both primary and secondary data was used in the study. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interviews covering on the influence of logistical innovation on service delivery while secondary data consisted of publications and literature related to logistics and logistics management. Descriptive statistics was used aided by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences Version 24 to compute percentages of respondents’ answers. The study found out that Omni-Channels and Green Logistics positively influenced service delivery in 3PL companies in Kenya. In this regard, the study concluded that Green Logistics had the greatest influence on service delivery, followed by Omni-Channels. The study therefore made recommendations that: the 3PL firms in Kenya to fully adopt use of the Omni-channel. This would not only create a seamless customer experience but also adequately improve on the integration of the firm’s supply chain operations. Further, all 3PL companies in Kenya to fully measure and control the ecological impact of their logistical activities. This would be important to the company because today’s consumers are looking for a ‘green’ products delivered in a ‘green’ way. Therefore, minimizing ecological effects is not only going to improve the organization’s service delivery but also enhance the ‘green’ reputation of the organization.
Key Words: Omni-Channel and Green Logistics
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.883
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