The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of warehouse management practices on logistical performance of the commercial state corporations in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design, with a population of 120 respondents at KAA. The data was analyzed with the help of SPSS. It was notable that there exists a relationship between independent variables and dependent variable with a correlation coefficient of 0.788. The coefficient of determination was between zero and one. The data showed that the high R square was 0.620. It showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 62.00% variation in logistical performance while the remaining 38.00% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. Therefore, the study recommended that managers in commercial state corporations in Kenya should incorporate transport management in their operations processes in order to increase overall cost efficiency, enhanced market share, and reduced lead time thereby impacting positively on their performance. This study established a significant positive relationship between inventory management practices and logistical performance. The study therefore recommended the inclusion of inventory management in the strategic plans of the state corporations. Inventory management as evidenced in this study, of being capable to reducing costs, making sure there was full utilization of resources usage and improved customer service thus impacting positively on logistical performance of the state corporation. Order processing involved all aspects of managing customer requirements, including initial order receipt, delivery, invoicing, and collection with capability of impacting positively on firm performance. This study established that order process management statistically and significantly influences the logistical performance. The organization should impress order process management such as electronic order processing, timely order processing, and timely delivery, tracking of order movement and ensuring zero double payment.
Key Words: Transport Management, Inventory Management, Order Processing, Distribution Planning, Logistical Performance
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