In today’s competitive labor market, a key concern of organizations is the need to achieve high levels of performance through people. Human Resource Planning is fast gaining a top priority for organizations across the world. To attract and retain the best talent anywhere in the world, an organization must have a strong and positive employer brand. Talented individuals drive companies forward through their outstanding competence and ability. Council of Governors operations rely on their employees’ ability to effectively respond when emergencies and crisis occurs. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of Human Resource Planning on Recruitment strategies on the performance of Council of Governors in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study had a population of 216 employees at COG in Nairobi who had supervisory responsibilities. Stratified sampling was adopted to pick a sample size of 55 respondents. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire with closed ended and open ended questions administered to the employees. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used to analyze data for descriptive data (frequencies, percentages, and mean), and inferential data (correlation, and regression). The major findings of the study revealed the existence of positive and significant relationship between recruitment and deployment, training and development of talent, talent retention, succession planning and performance of Council of Governors in Kenya. The study concluded that the relationship between recruitment and deployment, training and development of talent, talent retention, succession planning and Employee Productivity was statistically significant. The study recommended that Council of Governors should put mechanisms in place to enhance internal recruitment of talent, development of current talent training manuals, and conducting of talent surveys to ensure internal talent structures are relevant.
Key Words: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment strategies, training and development, employee retention, succession planning
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