This study sought to find the influence of procurement technology adoption on performance of agro chemical firms in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive design to relate the independent variables namely virtual storage, e-MRO, e-transactions, virtual storage, and enterprise resource planning, with organization performance as the dependent variable. The target population of this study comprised of heads of procurement and ICT departments of the 80 agrochemical firms in Kenya. The study collected primary data from the respondents by the use of structured questionnaires that was issued to the lead of ICT and lead of procurement departments. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data on the matters of procurement technology adoption and organization performance. On the other hand, the connection between procurement technology adoption and organization performance was analyzed through correlation and regression analysis, conducted with the aid of SPSS. The outcomes were presented using tables accompanied by explanations. The study concluded that enterprise resource planning, e-transactions, virtual storage and E-MRO all have an affect performance in agrochemical firms in Kenya. This study recommended adoption of virtual storage by Agro chemical firms in Kenya this would help to allow Agro chemical firms to open new lines of products and diversify revenue streams without making a big investment, the costs of opening an online store were much lower than if compared to cost of opening a local business and that virtual storage would enable Agro chemical firms reach a worldwide market of internet users, not just the local market of a physical store. This study recommended as well adoption of E-MRO system by Agro chemical firms in Kenya.
Key Words: Enterprise Resource Planning, E-Transactions, Virtual Storage, E-MRO Procurement, Agro Chemical Firms
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