This study assessed organizational culture and its influence on employee Job performance with reference to Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in Kenya. The research would be of great importance to the board of directors, the investors, academicians, policy makers, the government and other research institutions. The study involved such DFIs as the tourism finance corporation, IDB Capital Limited, Agricultural Finance Corporation and Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation which were all located in Nairobi County. The results of the test of beta coefficients indicated that there was significant relationship between independent variables notably; (X1) Employee involvement, (X2) Employee training, (X3) Reward systems and (X4) Job design and dependent variables Y=Performance of the Development finance institutions in Kenya. (X1) Employee involvement coefficient of 0.799 was found to be positive at significant level of 0.004 and this indicated that Employee involvement has a positive influence on Performance of the Development finance institutions in Kenya. , (X2) Employee training coefficient of 0.655 was found to be positive at significant level of 0.002 and this indicated that Employee training has a positive influence on Performance of the Development finance institutions in Kenya. , (X3) Reward systems coefficient of 0.701 was found to be positive at significant level of 0.003 and this indicated that Corporate Employee training has a positive influence on Performance of the Development finance institutions in Kenya (X4) Job design coefficient of 0.811 was found to be positive at significant level of 0.001 and this indicated that Job design has a positive influence on Performance of the Development finance institutions in Kenya.
Key Words: Job Performance, Training, Reward Systems, Job Design, Job Performance
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