Universities play a crucial role in generating new ideas, and in accumulating and transmitting knowledge, yet they have remained peripheral to development concerns. In this regard government has been advancing institutional reforms in the education sector. Universities have continuously been challenged from various quarters on the quality of degrees being offered in tandem with shifting national, regional and global dynamics. The purpose of this study was to establish effects of recruitment and selection practices on the performance of Faith based universities in Kenya by thoroughly examining the relationship of recruitment and selection on the performance of Faith based universities. Theoretical review informing the study was the universalistic theory of strategic human resource management; Descriptive research design was used in order to carry out in-depth analysis of subject matter. The target population being the Faith based universities in Kenya. The questionnaires were sent to all Faith based universities. In order to retrieve the necessary empirical data questionnaires sent out to employees in the Faith based universities in Kenya. The quantitative data in this research was analysed by descriptive statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20) and Qualitative data was analysed by content analysis. The study revealed that recruitment and selection practices influences growth of campuses and enrolment of students in Faith based universities in Kenya. The study established that recruitment and selection practices are only averagely practiced in Faith based universities. Hence it recommended that recruitment and selection practice should for an integral part in running of Faith based universities.
Key Words: Recruitment, Selection, Faith Based Universities
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