Strategic management research considers employees as a critical success factor in the strategic planning process. This study focused on testing four research objectives. First, the effect of strategic orientation on the Organization performance in the Judiciary in Kenya; and to examine the relationship between strategic control and the organization performance in the Judiciary in Kenya, the effect of functional integration on the organizations performance of the Kenyan Judiciary and the influence of management participation on the organization performance of the Kenyan Judiciary. The target population of the study consisted of 130 Judicial Officer and Judicial staff within Nairobi County involved in the strategic planning in the Judiciary from which a sample of 53 was singled out. The study adopted a descriptive research design by employing the use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Quantitative variables such as frequencies, percentages, mean score and standard deviation for all the quantitative variables and information are presented in form of tables and graphs. Data collection was done through a pre-tested research questionnaire. The data received was then processed and analyzed by use of a computer statistical package with descriptive and inferential statistics to interpret the results. The study found that there was a positive and significant relationship between strategic planning (four dimensions of planning) and organizational performance; this study therefore was significant since it contributed immensely to the body of knowledge more specifically in strategic planning where key variables of the study were linked individually to organizational performance.
Key Words: Strategic Orientation, Strategic Control, Functional Integration, Management Participation, Judiciary in Kenya
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