The decline in strategy implementation in energy sector in Kenya has been attributed to issues such as performance, inadequate policies, inadequate intra-organizational knowledge transfer techniques, organizational culture and lack of adequate directions in the management. The study was undertaken at five selected state parastatals in the energy sector in Nairobi ministry of energy and petroleum which included Kenya Pipeline Company, Kenya petroleum Refineries Company, Kenya power, Kenya electricity generating company, and National Oil Company. The target population comprised of200 staff in different managerial levels. The sample size of the study was drawn from the 142 management staff. The study drew emphasis in gathering data that helped to establish the determinants of strategy implementation in the energy sector in Kenya. The study specifically demonstrated how Communication, Organization structure, Leadership and Resources impact on strategy implementation in the energy sector in Kenya. The study was undertaken within a time frame of three months. This research problem was studied through the use of a descriptive research design. In this study the collected data was edited and coded into a statistical package (Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23) for analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. In descriptive statistics, the study used frequency, mean, standard deviation and percentages. Findings of the study concluded that the independent variables i.e. human resources, organization structure, leadership and communication were determinants of strategy implementation in the energy sector in Kenya. The findings showed that 55.2% of the strategy implementation was explained by the four variables and the remaining 44.8 % was accounted by the standard error. The study recommended that the energy sector management should invest in research and development in order to develop new strategies that are competitive in the target market.
Key Words: Human Resources, Organization Structure, Leadership, Communication, Strategy Implementation
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