Community-based organizations (CBOs) remain key players in youth economic empowerment in Kenya. However, many studies have focused on general CBOs within rural areas. The studies have shown CBOs have experienced both successes and challenges in the quest to support youth economic empowerment. Therefore, this study sought to examine the role of the community-based organization loans in youth economic empowerment in the Makadara Sub County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a sample size of 72, youth from the target population of 120 youth group members in the Makadara Sub County who were selected using simple random sampling method. The study used questionnaires based Likert scale in data collection. The data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and inferential analysis by factor analysis. The findings were presented in, tables, graphs, regression, correlation and study conclusions made. The findings revealed that CBO loans were statistically significant to the youth economic empowerment in the Makadara Sub County. The study recommended that CBOs working with other partners need to work towards establishing youth friendly loan facilities. Further studies to be done include a comparative study between the role of CBOs in rural and urban areas and a comparative study on the role of national and county government in youth economic empowerment.
Key words: Youth Economic Empowerment, Community based organization, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans, Demand Loans, Makadara Sub County
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