The study sought to establish factors that influence the implementation of e-procurement in public technical vocational education and training institutions in Kenya. This study was informed by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Technology, Organization and Environment model and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Adoption Model. The study employed cross-sectional research design and targeted 86 Public Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in Kenya. Closed and open ended questionnaires were distributed to heads of procurement functions in the institutions. Descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that Technological factors had a positive and statistically significant influence on the implementation of e-procurement in Public Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in Kenya. The results further indicated that organizational factors had a positive and statistically significant influence on implementation of e-procurement in Public Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in Kenya. However, environmental and financial factors were found not to have statistically significant influence on the implementation of e-procurement in these institutions. Additionally, the results indicated that the joint influence of technological, organizational, environmental and financial factors had a statistically significant influence on the implementation of e-procurement in Public Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in Kenya. This study recommended for enhanced technological and organizational support for effective implementation of e-procurement in public institutions. This study had implications to knowledge and practice since it had not only evaluated the robustness of the Technology Acceptance Model in assessing factors that influence e-procurement implementation but also informed that organizational and technological factors were the most dominant factors hindering effective implementation of e-procurement in these institutions.
Key Words: E-Procurement, Technological Factors, Organizational Factors, Environmental Factors, Financial Factors
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.954
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