The purpose of the study was to investigate whether training and development practices have influence on employee performance in Kakamega County Government. The study was carried out in Kakamega County which is one of the 47 Counties in the republic of Kenya. The study specifically focused on influence of training and development practices on employee performance in all the 10 devolved departments/ ministries in Kakamega County. Cognitive learning theory was used. The research design employed in the study was descriptive survey design carried out in the 10 devolved departments that considered a target population of 267 employees at the County Government of Kakamega. The sampling frame for this study was a list of all employees in County Government of Kakamega. Head office provided by the Human Resource Department. The sample size of this study was 160 employees. The study purposively sampled out all cadres which play key roles in the County. Random sampling technique also used to select respondents. Questionnaires were used as research instruments. Structured and semi structured questionnaires were used as data collection instrument. The data collected was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The Pearson correlation results revealed that training and development practices had significant and positive relationship with employee performance. The study concluded that analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The Pearson correlation results revealed that training and development practices were useful predicator of employee performance. The study recommended that county government should formulate policies that would enhance training and development.
Key Words: Training and Development, Employee Performance, Kakamega County Government
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