The study aimed to examine effect of performance appraisal methods on employee performance in Constitutional Commissions in Kenya, a case of Commission on Revenue Allocation of Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the researcher targeted a population of 65 staff members who formed the entire populations of the Commission. The researcher used census method of sampling which involves use of the entire population. Primary data was collected by use of structured. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for the study. The quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Data was analyzed by the use of a statistical software SPSS version 20. The results showed that Performance appraisal methods affected employee performance in Constitutional Commissions in Kenya. The study found 360 degree appraisal method enhanced self-appraisal performance feedback which helped employees’ increases their performance at work. Management by objective performance appraisal method affected employee performance. The supervisors communicated the actions necessary for the employees to take to achieve organizational objectives. The ranking method of appraisal had an effect on employee performance. The employee held formal one on one performance discussion with their supervisors which helped them improve their performance. Rating scale appraisal method was found to have an effect on the performance of employees. The rating scale was related to the employees work and the traits assessed in the rating scale and the criterion was well structured. The organization management should ensure that the feedback providers were keenly selected to avoid biased feedback. The management should ensure that the subordinates were adequately involved in decision making and setting of the goals and objectives. The study recommended that ranking method of appraisal method should be implemented with care not to negatively affect or lower the morale of the low ranked employees. The rating scale appraisal method affects employees’ performance hence to avoid ambiguity in the rating scale the study recommended that the scales should be based on behaviors where specific work related behaviors are assessed.
Key Words: 360 Degree Appraisal, Management by Objectives, Ranking, Rating Scale Appraisal, Employee Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.969
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