This study investigated strategic role of big data analytics on innovation in the telecommunications sector in Kenya: A case of Safaricom PLC. Consequently, several research objectives that guided the study and included to assess the effect of product development strategies on innovation in telecommunication companies, to assess the impact of customer segmentation strategies on innovation in telecommunication companies, to determine the impact of precision marketing strategies on innovation in telecommunication companies and finally to assess the influence of fraud detection strategies on innovation in telecommunication companies. The target population was 1000 staff working at Safaricom PLC with a sample of 286 respondents comprising the company employees. As such, during data collection and analysis, this study employed both descriptive research design and random sampling technique. Specifically, data collection was accomplished through self-administered questionnaire method. Additionally, data analysis was accomplished through a descriptive statistical tool, and specifically SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Furthermore, the mean and other measures of central tendency, tabulations, percentages, charts, and tables were employed to present the findings. Finally, to assess how significantly the dependent variable was influenced by the independent variables, this study used a regression model. Conclusively, the study found out that all variables under study including Product Development, Customer segmentation, Precision Marketing, Fraud detection had impact on Innovation in the telecommunication industry in Kenya. The study recommended that telecommunication industry should create conducive environment and develop strategies so that they can come up with new technologies as a result of innovation without barriers. Strategies should be developed in order to ensure good development of the products.
Key word: Product Development Strategies, Customer Segmentation, Marketing Strategies, Fraud Detection Strategies
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