In Today’s world we Transformational leaders who leads and work with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group. The study was based on four theories namely; Transformational leadership Theory, Contingency theory, The Systems Theory and Pigous’s Theory of Economic Welfare. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 200 employees in the county. Questionnaires were used to collect the required information from the respondents. From the findings mentioned earlier, it was concluded Inspirational motivation affected Governance in Nyeri County Government. Many of the respondents thought there should be more leadership support on the issue of Governance in Nyeri County Government. For effective performance of Governance in Nyeri County Government the following recommendations were made. Training on importance of transformative leadership to be continuous. There should be incentive to those who practice transformative leadership, Room for farther research was as for follow; The researcher dealt with only the above factor that affected Governance performance. There need to be more areas to be looked and relooked. There is need to use other methods of study to see whether the same result can be realized. This research was concentrated in Nyeri County, there is need to have a wider research on the topic covering a wider area to compare the findings.
Key Words: Transformational Leadership, Performance, Governance
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