Enterprise resource planning system plays a major role in the management of project resources. ERP projects are capital intensive and whereas different companies adopt different methods while implementing ERP systems, they undergo many challenges and overcoming these challenges determine the level of success of the project. The study focused on ERP systems because of their popularity with information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners and because of their strategic/operational improvement capabilities enabling firms to tackle the ever-changing business environments. The study adopted stratified and random sampling technique. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for the study. The quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics which included frequency distribution tables and measures of central tendency (the mean), measures of variability (standard deviation) and measures of relative frequencies. The inferential statistics used included regression model which established the relationship between variables. Data was presented by use of tables and other graphical presentations as appropriate for the ease of understanding. Change management was found to positive significant though weak related to project performance and explained 20.7%. The study recommended that change management to be well adopted in organizations so as to enhance project performance. The study also recommended other studies to be done to establish the other factors that affect project performance in Roads sector in Kenya.
Key Words: Change Management, Enterprise resource planning, Kenya Urban Rural Authority
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.979
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