In today’s world Leaders help to direct, guide and help their followers (employees) towards achieving their personal and organizational goals and objectives for the organizational and personal benefits. Key priority of the donor agencies is to improve the living standards among the people in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs). This study examined the influence of leadership style on donor funded projects performance in Meru County, Kenya. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 aided in generation of results. The inferential statistics included a regression model which established the relationship between variables. From the findings, it was concluded that transactional leadership influences donor funded project performance. Many of the respondents thought there should be more strategic leadership support on the issue of factors influencing leadership styles on donor funded projects performance in the County. The study recommended that for an effective donor funded projects there should be Training on importance of donor funded projects performance to be continuous as while as there should be incentive to those who practice leadership styles to encourage donor funded projects performance. For further research, the researcher dealt with only the above factor that practice leadership styles to encourage donor funded projects performance in Meru County. There need to be more areas to be looked and relooked in Meru County and Kenya as a whole. There is need to use other methods of study to see whether the same results can be realized and last not the least this research was concentrated in Meru County, there is need to have a wider research on the topic covering a wider area to compare the findings.
Key words: Leadership Styles, Transactional Leadership, Donor Funded, Projects Performance
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