This study aimed to examine factors influencing leadership styles on employee retention on county governments in Kenya. A case of Narok County. The population of interest covered by this study consisted of employees who were on permanent and pensionable payroll in the County and they were estimated to be 357 employees (data from the government office HR department) Narok county. This study used stratified random sampling. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for the study. The quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics which included frequency distribution tables and measures of central tendency (the mean), measures of variability (standard deviation) and measures of relative frequencies. The inferential statistics included a regression model which was established the relationship on variables. Data was analyzed by the use of a statistical software SPSS version 20. From the findings, it was concluded that participative leadership, directive leadership, supportive leadership and achievement-oriented leadership factors influences leadership styles on employee retention. Many of the respondents thought there should be more strategic leadership support on the issue of factors influencing leadership styles on employee retention in Narok County. This study recommended that Training on importance of Employee Retention to be continuous. There should be incentive to those who practice leadership styles to encourage employee retention. This study stipulated on the above four factors that practice leadership styles to encourage employee retention in Narok County there need to be more areas to be looked and relooked in Narok County and in Kenya wholly .There is need to use other methods of study to see whether the same result can be realized. This research was concentrated in Narok County, there is need to have a wider research on the topic covering a wider area to compare the findings.
Key Words: Participative Leadership, Directive Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Achievement-Oriented Leadership
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.986
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