The public sector is a major player in the service delivery to citizenry, coupled with the public sector reforms; it remains an on-going policy objective for many countries including Kenya. Change management is critical in managing organizations in order to improve efficiency, service delivery and general performance of in such organizations. In Kenya, the public sector is undergoing reforms to have its administrative systems to better serve needs of the government and citizenry with improved delivery of public service [Hope, 2001]. The public sector has been dogged with serious challenges in attempt to manage change. In order to effectively manage change in the public sector, it is important to underscore the role played by, communication, leadership commitment and team work, and stakeholders’ involvement in influencing management of change in public sector. The aim of the study was to establish the factors influencing management of change in public sector. A descriptive research design was adopted with the cross-sectional survey method involving 18 mainstream government ministries in Kenya was done. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The study established that effective communication and strong leadership and team work factors significantly influences management of change in public sector. It recommends that the public sector must critically appreciate this positive role played by those factors in managing change and in so doing analytically examines the public sector transformation efforts to improve public sector performance and overall public service delivery in Kenya.
Key words: Management Change, Public Sector, Kenya.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.99
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