Water is essential to all forms of life. It is the key driver of social and economic development and is essential in maintaining the integrity of the natural environment. In spite of this, water resources are unequally distributed. The MDG target for Kenya has been calculated at 63% access to improved sanitation and 74% with access to improved drinking water (UN, 2012). Kenya is on track to achieve water MDG targets, regional disparities prevail with lower than national average coverage rate especially in Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) and peri-urban areas. Currently overall coverage stands at 59% while in the north eastern province of Kenya and less than 22% of the population access safe water (UNDP, 2005). Thus, this study therefore aimed to examine the role of strategic planning in achieving millennium development goals in water resources sector in Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to determine whether strategic planning has improved accessibility of water to the citizens, to determine whether the strategic plan has helped to achieve the MDGs and to find out the challenges faced by rift valley water service board in delivering water services. This paper reports results of a survey involving the use of questionnaires to collect qualitative and quantitative information from the stakeholders in RVWSB. The study concludes that RVWSB has achieved a marked improvement in service delivery and intends to continue improving its service delivery processes to achieve its objective of delivering quality and reliable water and sewerage services to North Rift residents.
Key Words: Strategic Planning, Water Resources, Millennium Development
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