This paper theoretically reviewed the concept of OCB and its implication on a diverse workplace environment. In doing this, the paper identified the theoretical framework on which the concept of OCB is built upon through its sociological and psychological perspective. From that a critical assessment of development of OCB was determined as well as its various dimensions. In order to establish the influence of diverse workforce in the workplace, we also X-rayed the concept of diversify and identify the different forms in which an organization could be said to be diversity driven with critical focus on deep and surface level. In the course of extant literature exploration, we discovered that diversity is an important aspect of today’s modern organization’s strategy to remain competitive and innovative in its operational life as it affords them with different breeds of employees with higher potentials for behavioral tendency such as OCB. Finally we looked at the implications of diversity on OCB and consequently make recommendations based on our conclusion.
Keywords: Organizational Change Behavior, Diversity Issues
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Onah, G. O. (2019). Organizational citizenship behaviour: A critical review of its development in a diversity driven workplace. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6(1), 41 – 60
Full Text:
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