The focus of this research was to investigate on the strategic partnerships that can effectively market the country as a tourist destination. The study also sought to determine the moderating effect of government regulations on the relationship between strategic partnerships and international tourism demand in Kenya. The researcher used cross sectional research design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied. The study adopted a structured questionnaire to collect data from a total of 250 respondents consisting of tourists leaving the country from Jomo Kenyatta international airport. Descriptive and inferential Analysis was carried out. The study found out that strategic partnership had a positive and significant influence on international tourism demand in Kenya. Results further revealed that government regulations moderated the relationship between strategic partnerships and international tourism demand in Kenya. The study recommended that the government should ensure that international tour operators selling destination Kenya should be given an equal chance to participate in the International Trade shows and Exhibitions organized by Kenya in order to better familiarize themselves with the Kenyan tourism product.
Key Words: Strategic Partnerships, Government Regulations, Tourism in Kenya
CITATION: Kyunguti, E. M., Juma, D., & Gathondu, B. G. (2019). Influence of strategic partnerships on the international tourism demand in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 61 – 74
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