The challenge facing Kenya today is the management of the large section of youths to engage in productive activities that tend to improve their well-being. This huge challenge facing the youths in Kenya led to the development of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) which was introduced in 2006. The Youth Enterprise Fund is relatively new and the subject on managerial challenges affecting project implementation has not really been deeply explored thus the main aim of the study was to identify the management challenges that face the implementation of Youth Development Enterprise projects in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to; establish the effect of training, financial, leadership, internal control and policy challenges on the successful implementation of youth development projects. The theories underpinning this study were the institutional theory, the resource based theory and the scientific management theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. 96 Youth Development Programs registered under the Ministry of Youth were taken as a sample. The study results revealed that training challenges, financial challenges, leadership challenges and internal control and policy challenges affect the implementation of youth projects in Nairobi County.
Key Words: Management, Challenges, Youth Development Projects
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