The present day working environment is turning out to be more diverse (Hodgetts and Hegar, 2008). Many organizations today endeavour to advance comprehensiveness of under-represented groups through proactive endeavours in order to create an environment where each employee is esteemed and their talents fully utilized to meet both individual and organizational goals. The capabilities of both genders and various diverse groups offer a wider labour pool (Mazur, 2010). An organization with a capacity to draw in and hold qualified people through reasonable and balanced professional success is most certainly going to gain competitive advantage. This paper examined the relationship between workplace diversity management and organizational performance. The objective of the study was to examine how dimensions of workplace diversity management such as age, gender and ethnic diversity impact on organizational performance. The study thus concluded from examined literature that workplace diversity management significantly predicts organizational performance. The study recommended that different generations can have different communication styles and norms. Hence organizations should plan and implement fun hangouts, leisure activities, official dine-outs, lunches and so on, where employees from all age-groups are invited, an organization provide a friendly and enjoyable work environment which will enhance the interchange and cross fertilization of ideas.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Organizational Performance Age Diversity, Gender Diversity, Ethnic Diversity
CITATION: Baridula, V., Diepiriye, G. H., Mekuri, N., & Adanma, J. (2019). Diversity management: Implications for organizational performance - A review of literature. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 367 – 378.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i1.1059
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