This study sought to establish the influence integrated supply chain on the performance of food and beverage manufacturing companies in Kenya with a view to address the supply chain inefficiencies. This study used a descriptive research design as it allows the researcher to describe record, analyze and report conditions that exist. The study targeted a population of 187 food and beverage companies in Kenya where 125 were sampled. Primary data was obtained by the use of questionnaires that were administered to the respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and facilitated by use of SPSS version 22. Inferential statistical analysis done using multiple regressions and correlation analysis indicated that purchasing practices, distribution practices, supplier partnerships and operations management have a positive and significant influence on performance of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study recommended that there is a need for the manufacturing firms to increase adoption of purchasing practices such as spends consolidation, joint total cost reduction and joint value engineering. The study also recommended that there is a need for the manufacturing firms to increase adoption of distribution practices such as transport consolidation, joint information systems and joint storage systems. The study also recommended that there is a need for the manufacturing firms to increase adoption of supplier partnerships through supplier improvement programs and joint planning and goal setting activities. Another recommendation by the study was that there is a need for manufacturing firms to increase adoption of operations management practices like quality management, inventory management and risk management.
Key Words: Purchasing Practices, Distribution Practices, Supplier Partnerships, Operations Management
CITATION: Mideva, B., & Moronge, M. (2019). Influence of integrated supply chain on performance of food and beverage manufacturing firms in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 605 – 622.
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