This study sought to examine the influence of information sharing on supply chain performance of tourism industry in Kakamega County. The study was guided in determining the influence of collaboration and networking on supply chain performance of tourism industry in Western Region. An explanatory survey design was used. The target population comprised of 459 employees working in 4 licensed tour companies and 5 licensed hotels in Kakamega County (Tourism Regulatory Authority, Western Region, 2016). Questionnaire was used as research instrument. The researcher found out that collaboration influences supply chain performance. It was contented that networking influences supply chain performance. The study concluded that information sharing influences supply chain performance of tourism industry in Kakamega County. The research recommended that the supply chain department needs to adopt effective networking programs in order to enhance customer satisfaction and supply chain efficiency hence increasing access of information about the suppliers and the management of the hotels and tour companies should provide different collaboration programs in order to increase suppliers to collaborating with other suppliers so as to provide information for the hotels and tour companies about their customers.
Key Words: information sharing, supply chain performance of tourism industry, collaboration, networking
CITATION: Okore, C. A., & Kibet, Y. (2019). Influence of information sharing on supply chain performance in the tourism industry in the county government of Kakamega, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 66 – 81.
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