This study examined the effects of E-procurement on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bungoma County. The descriptive research design was used, and the questionnaire was the data collection instrument. The targeted population comprised of 324 respondents representing five Constituencies according to the study objectives; that is, online customer service and technology integration to e-procurement on performance of SMEs. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Analysis of data was done using SPSS version 23. Correlation and regression analysis were used to obtain the relationshipbetween the variables. The analyzed results were presented using tables. The results showed that the research was focus on primary data that was being collected from questionnaires. A good response rate of 85.49% was realized. It was established that most of the electronic procurement indicators have positive impact on performance of the firm small and medium enterprises in Bungoma County. The study findings showed that the online customer service and technology integration had a significant influence on performance of the SMEs. The study recommended that Adoption of digital technology provided wide range of possibilities for improving competitiveness and market to increase profit growth and thus facilitating the small and medium enterprises in Bungoma County. The study recommended that a similar research should be conducted with an aim at investigating the effects of electronic procurement on performance of SMEs with other variables or of other firms in other sectors, including the service industry in the Kenyan market.
Key Word; E-Procurement, Online Customer Service, Technological Integration and Performance of Small and Medium Size Enterprises
CITATION: Khaoya, E. M., & Muchelule, Y. (2019). Effect of e-procurement on performance of small and medium size enterprises: a case of Bungoma County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 188 – 200.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1107
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