The objective of the study was to determine whether organizational structure influence the relationship between strategic leadership and service delivery among devolved government units. of County Governments in Kenya. The study was grounded on the institutional theory and positivism research philosophy. The study used a cross sectional survey whose target population for the study was drawn from the 47 Counties in Kenya. The study has sample size of 282 chief officers and administrators in the devolved governments. The study used primary data which collected using questionnaires. The hypothesis tested through hierarchical regression analysis. The findings imply that organizational structure positively affects the association between strategic leadership and service delivery (β= .078, t=2.072, P<0.05). The devolved government leadership should strategically audit their organization structures to enhance areas which are facilitating service delivery and relook the structural issues which are hindering service delivery.
Key words: Strategic leadership, Organizational structure, Ethical practices and Service delivery
CITATION: Gaitho, P. R., Bolo, Z. A., Ogutu, M., & Kitiabi, R. (2019). How organizational structure influence the relationship between strategic leadership and service delivery of devolved governments in Africa: The Kenyan case. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 286 – 295.
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