The main objective of the study was to establish the effect of social networking on employee performance. The study targeted Coast Water Services Board as the case study. The study specifically established the effect of Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and WhatsApp on employee performance. The target population of the study comprised of 200 employees working in CWSB, Mombasa County. For this study, data was collected using structured questionnaires based on the research hypotheses. Data analysis was done with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. Descriptive statistics included frequencies distribution, and percentages and mean, while inferential statistical analysis used included correlations, and regression. The study findings established that there was a positive effect reported for Facebook on employee performance. Also there was a significant effect of twitter on employee performance. However, minimal effect was reported for WhatsApp on employee performance.The study therefore based on the findings obtained concluded that Face book was the most used social network in the organization, and that users’ most frequent activities on Facebook was writing messages. Further the study concluded that LinkedIn was the appropriate social networking site for professional development and that LinkedIn used by employees lowered the employee productivity. Further the study recommended that the organization should provide specific time for twitter usage to employees to avoid reduction in employee productivity. Also the organization should encourage employee to use twitter on adding value to the firm. To maximize the potential of social networking within the organization, it was recommended that organizations come up with specific networks for organization wide social networking.
Key Terms: Employee performance, LinkedIn, Social network, Social networking, Twitter, You tube
CITATION: Toroitich, B. T., & Datche, E. (2019). Effect of social networking on employee performance: A case study of coast water service board. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 480 – 501.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1123
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