The study general objective was to assess the effect of strategic management practices on the performance of shabelle relief & development organization (SHARDO) Mogadishu Somalia. The study specifically sought to achieve this objective through the investigating the effect of strategic direction, examine the effect of strategic innovation, establish the effect of strategic communication and identify the effect of organization culture on the performance shabelle relief & development organization (SHARDO) Mogadishu Somalia. The study used descriptive research design. The study targeted a population of 128 employees of Shabelle Relief & Development Organization in Mogadishu Somalia. The study sample size was 91 employees of Shabelle Relief & Development Organization in Mogadishu Somalia. Both secondary data and primary data were used in the study. Primary data collected with the aid of questionnaire was edited, analyzed quantitatively using SPSS version 24. Inferential statistics was done with regression analysis model where the researcher tested the correlation between strategy implementation and performances of NGO’s. From the findings, the four independent variables collectively accounted for 77.4% of the variations in organization performance at SHARDO. The study further indicated that organization culture, strategic communication and strategic innovation had a positive and significant effect on organization performance at SHARDO.
Key terms: Strategic Direction, Vision, Mission, Goal, Objective, Strategic Innovation, Employee competencies, Competitive advantage, Strategic Communication, Public relations, Organization Culture, Goal setting, Values
CITATION: Ahmed, H. S. H., & Sasaka, P. (2019). Effect of strategic management practices on the performance of non-governmental organizations: Case of Shabelle Relief & Development Organization (SHARDO) Mogadishu Somalia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 539 – 559.
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