The general objective of the study was to assess the determinants of e-procurement performance in county governments. The specific objectives were: an assessment of the influence of procurement function e-procurement performance; an examination of the influence of system integration and an analysis of the stakeholder management on e-procurement performance in county governments. Kajiado county government was selected because with the advent of devolution in Kenya and being one of the county government units within the public sector and to a large extent the integration of various stakeholders through the government’s initiative to create opportunities to its population were among others the worst hit by non-compliance to public procurement regulations and hence a general decline in procurement performance. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study involved 47 employees of Kajiado County government, and guided by research questions based on the objectives aforementioned. The study found that most respondents believed that procurement function affected e-procurement performance in the county as accounted for by 60% of the respondents. E-procurement contributed to improved customer satisfaction by improving employee contribution through e-procurement performance. The study also found that influence of improved infromation transmission and user access to the procurement process through the adoption e-procurement had a significant impact on the configuration and structure of supply chains. Procurement staff should focus on strategies of improving on the procurement function of the organization, lay emphasis on integration of e-tools to enhance transparency and accountability and communication protocols, and also involve at every stage of procurement processes, all the stakeholders to create a good environment of performance. Finally the study gave recommendations that further studies could be done on other variables apart from the ones the study explored which seemed overlooked in the performance of e-procurement.
Key Words: E-Procurement Performance, Stakeholder Management, Kajiado County Government
CITATION: Nyagu, D. M., & Juma, D. (2019). Determinants of e-procurement performance in county governments. A case of Kajiado County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 735 – 747.
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