This study was conceived to investigate how teamwork and perceived organisation support influences work engagement with focus being on the media industry in Kenya. To achieve its objective the study employed descriptive research design. The target population was drawn from the major television station players in the media industry. These were Citizen TV, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), Kenya Television Network (KTN) and Nation TV (NTV).
The target population was 188 anchors, editors, researches and reporters in the selected TV stations. A sample of 56 selected employees was selected using proportionate sampling where 30% of the target population was taken as a sample. The study relied on primary data collected from structured questionnaires that were dropped and later picked. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis conducted with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The data was presented in form of figures and tables and beefed up with narrative explanations.
The study found that there was no clarity on the nature/ levels of work engagement, teamwork and perceived organisational support in the media houses surveyed. The study found that some aspects of the variables studies were favourable while others were unfavourable. The study found that teamwork and perceived organisational support have positive and significant influence on work engagement.
The study recommends that the organisations need to critically re-examine teamwork and aspects of perceived organization support which were found wanting and have an unfavourable influence on work engagement.
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