The study aimed to investigate the influence of performance management systems on employee productivity in aviation industry in Kenya. The specific objective were to investigate the influence of Employee Review system on employee productivity in aviation industry, to investigate the influence of compensation Dashboard system on employee productivity in aviation industry and to investigate the influence of Performance Review System on employee productivity in aviation industry. The study used a case of Skyward Express Limited with a target population of 236 employees and a sample size purposively selected comprised of 51 management personnel in all departments within the organization. The tool used for collecting data was Questionnaire and data analysis was done through the use SPSS version 21.0, the model that was adopted is multiple linear regression model. The study would be of benefit to policy makers in charge of Human resource and the management of Skyward limited. The study found out that a proper system accommodating employee review, Dashboard system among others could be introduced in the organization. In conclusion for the performance management systems to be made successful, the organization should consider the systems that offers the services of employee Review system, compensation Dashboard system, performance review system and the system should be readily available and making the user more flexible and by developing this kind of the system the organization will increase its productivity and promote the performance of employees in aviation industry in Kenya. The study further suggested that a further research should be done specifically on the advancement of the already existing performance management systems to enable organization maximize their outcome from the employee and this should be extended to all the service delivery industries in Kenya rather than the aviation industry only.
Key Words: Employee Review System, Compensation Dashboard System, Performance Review System, Employee Productivity
CITATION: Pamba, P. A., & Juma, D. (2019). Influence of performance management systems on employee productivity in aviation industry: A case of Skyward Express Limited, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 854 –869.
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