The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of corporate social responsibility strategies on sustainable competitive advantage in oil marketing companies in Kenya.The study sought to achieve the following specific objectives:to establish how supporting innovation, environmental initiatives, community development strategy and supporting entrepreneurship influence sustainable competitive advantage in oil marketing companies in Kenya. A descriptive design was adopted for the study. Census was carried out and questionnaires were used as the main research instrument. The sample population was 164 employees of National Oil Corporation of Kenya. The study used a structured self-administered questionnaire to collect primary data. Secondary data was obtained from published documents. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. Data from questionnaire was coded, entered and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The study further adopted regression analysis to determine the relationship among the variables at 5% level of significance. The study established that there existed a strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The dependent variable was explained by the four independent variables which was explained by 65.40%. The study recommended that the organization support for product innovation to enhance profits and competitiveness. The oil marketing companies should support process innovation to the entrepreneurs, support market innovations; support for the ICT enhances employee productivity and competitiveness in the market. The organization should team up with its customers annually for the tree planting exercises to enhance company image. The study recommended that the organization should support health programs to improve the company’s image in the market. The organization should offer adequate humanitarian support programs to enhance sustainable competitive advantage. The study recommended that there is need to support the upcoming entrepreneurs to enhance company’s’ image.
Key Words: Supporting Innovation, Environmental Initiatives, Community Development Strategy, Supporting Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Competitive Advantage
CITATION: Kitonga, T. K., & Kariuki, P. (2019). Influence of corporate social responsibility strategies on sustainable competitiveness of oil marketing companies in Kenya: A case of National Oil Corporation of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 836 –853.
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