This study investigated the influence of electronic sourcing, electronic data transmission and electronic ordering on procurement performance of the county government of Bungoma, Kenya. This study adopted descriptive research design and targeted 119 respondents in Bungoma County. Data was collected using structured questionnaires; descriptive statistics summarized data into meaningful forms while for variable relationships, inferential statistics was computed using SPSS 23. From the values of unstandardized regression coefficients with standard errors in parenthesis, all the independent variables (e-sourcing, e-data transmission and e-ordering were significant predictors of procurement performance (dependent variable). The study concluded that;, e-sourcing is a significant predictor of procurement performance in the sense that organizations whether private or public that engages in e-sourcing as a salient aspect of electronic procurement really saves on costs and the speed of the procurement process; two; electronic ordering significantly influenced procurement performance implying that electronic ordering of goods and services is a faster and cost effective way of running an electronic procurement system which definitely has a positive bearing on the performance of the procurement function. The study recommended that county governments should engage in secure electronic sourcing practices on electronic procurement platform so as to save on procurement costs; and that county government should foster electronic ordering of goods and services so as to enforce transparency and accountability in the electronic procurement systems.
Key Words: Electronic Sourcing, Electronic Data Transmission, Electronic Ordering, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Maruti, C. N., & Otinga, H. N. (2019). Influence of electronic procurement system on the procurement performance of the County Government of Bungoma, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 870 – 891.
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