Statistics in the health sector show that there is indeed a significant wage difference for the health sector staff. This study sought to establish the influence of capacity building practices on employee retention in the health sector in the County Government of Kakamega with a view of proposing a mechanism to manage employee retention. The study was anchored on Kirkpatrick’s Model. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The target population was 1,153 health workers in Kakamega County drawn from 11 health facilities and a sample size of 297 respondents was used. The Data was collected by the questionnaires which was the main instrument to collect primary data. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive inferential statistics (correlations and regression analyses). Results indicated that the relationship between capacity building practices and employee retention in the health sector in the County Government of Kakamega was positive and significant. It was concluded that capacity building practices accounted for 68.3 percent of employee retention of employee retention in the health sector in the County Government of Kakamega. The study recommended that organizations should proactively invest more in training their workforce at all levels of the health system. The study findings may help to streamline the retention of staff in the health sector in Kakamega County by providing strategies of employee retention. The study would provide a basis for future scholars, researchers and other stakeholders to use the results as a reference while also enabling researchers to carry out more investigation on other strategies that increase employee retention.
Key Words: Capacity Building, Employee Retention, County Government of Kakamega
CITATION: Mulievi, R. N., & Juma D. (2019). Influence of capacity building practices on employee retention in the health sector in the County Government of Kakamega. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 948 –958.
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