The objective of the study was to determine the effect of project management practices on implementation of funded projects at Kenya ports Authority. This study employed a descriptive research design, and targeted 364 respondents. A sample of 191 respondents of the target population was considered. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 23 and presented using frequency tables to facilitate comparisons and conclusions based on the identified independent and dependent variable. The data was analysed using Correlation regression where the study used Pearson’s correlation to relate the variables. This was to establish if there was a correlation between dependent variable Implementation of KPA funded projects against independent variables: monitoring and evaluation practices, stakeholder’s participation, risk management and project planning and design practices. The study revealed that monitoring and evaluation practices, stakeholder’s participation, risk management and project planning and design practices play a vital role in determining the success in project implementation. It was concluded that Project management is important for success of any project implementation, yet in most projects it has not been adopted effectively. The role of monitoring and evaluation practices, stakeholder’s participation, risk management and project planning and design practices leaves 51.2% unexplained. The P- value of 0.000 (Less than 0.05) implied that the model of project management factors implementation of project was significant at the 95% confidence level. The researcher affecting concluded that there was need to evaluate other factors which contribute to success of project implementation at Kenya Ports Authority and also stakeholder’s participation should be given its due recognition to the role it plays in ensuring success of development projects.
Key Terms: Project, Project Management, Risk Management, Procurement, Quality Management, Implementation, Stakeholder
CITATION: Mavuti, B. M., Kisingu, T. M. & Oyoo, J. J. (2019). Effect of project management practices on implementation of Kenya Ports Authority Funded projects. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1110 – 1129.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1175
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