This study aimed at analyzing the factors affecting procurement performance in Mombasa County government in Kenya. The survey adopted a descriptive research design, and the target population of the study consisted of 75 staff involved in procurement activities in Mombasa County government. The data collected was analyzed, summarized and tabulated by use of SPSS Version 23 software. On procurement planning, the study established that it permitted the creation of a procurement strategy for procuring each requirement that would be included in the procurement plan. It helped the county government to prioritize what to buy, when and from what sources and allowed planners to determine if expectations were realistic; particularly the expectations of the requesting entities, which expected their requirements met on short notice and over a shorter period than the application of the corresponding procurement method allows. On procurement information system, the study established that electronic procurement improved on transaction times, on-going purchases could qualify customers for volume discounts or special offers and E-procurement software made it possible to automate buying and selling. On procurement staff competency, the study established that competent staff could put in place procurement strategies and they were able to implement them effectively thus helping the procurement department to achieve their objectives. On the reliability of suppliers, the study established that suppliers with a healthy financial muscle were relied upon since they could supply and wait for a more extended period for payments approvals. The study concluded that procurement planning, procurement information system; procurement staff competence and reliability of suppliers had a significant and positive influence on procurement performance of county government. The study recommended that county governments should continuously plan for the procurement processes to adopt the best and new practices that reduce operational costs and enhance efficiency.
Key terms: Procurement information, Procurement performance, Procurement Planning, Procurement, Reliability of supplier, Staff Competence, Technical capability
CITATION: Mwakodi, R. M., & Wandera, J. (2019). Factors affecting procurement performance of county governments: A case study of Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1241 –1261.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1183
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