The general objective of the study was to investigate the determinants of performance of procurement committees in public secondary schools in Kenya: A case of Khwisero sub-county. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of 104 procurement officers from 26 schools in Khwisero sub-county where Yamame’s formula was used to get a sample size of 83 respondents who were selected through simple random sampling technique. The study used structured questionnaire to collect primary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data which was processed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis were used to measure the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Both descriptive and inferential analyses revealed that all independent variables (professional training, procurement ethics, and compliance with government regulations) significantly influenced procurement committee performance of public secondary schools in Khwisero sub-county. The study concluded that one; professional training of procurement committee members in procurement process has a significant bearing on procurement performance in public secondary schools; two, strict adherence to procurement ethics can really boost procurement committee performance in public secondary schools. The study recommended that one; there should be professional training of all school procurement committee members so as to boost procurement committee performance in public secondary schools; two, all schools procurement committee members should strictly adhere to procurement ethics to avoid conflict of interest in procurement matters as this can compromise procurement committee performance in public secondary schools and three; there should be strict compliance with government regulations on public procurement since this will assist in checking procurement committee performance in public secondary schools.
Key Words: professional training, procurement ethics, compliance, procurement committee
CITATION: Sikolia, G. M., & Muthini, J. N. (2019). Influence of procurement ethics, professional training, and compliance with government regulations on procurement committees performance in public secondary schools in Kenya: a case of Khwisero Sub County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1397 –1416.
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