This study intended to determine the effects of Procurement practices on customer service delivery in Petroleum Industry in Kenya. Specifically the study sought to explore how e-procurement affects customer service delivery; determine the effects of supplier evaluation on customer service delivery; examine the effect of Supplier Relationship Managementon customer service delivery in Petroleum Industry in Kenya.and establish inventory management effects on customer service delivery. The study employed descriptive design. The study targeted the fifty firms in the petroleum industry. The unit of analysis of this study was fifty (50) key informants in each of the firms in the petroleum industry in Kenya. The study used census sampling technique where all the subjects were given a chance to give the information on how they think on the Procurement practices and customer service delivery in petroleum industry in Kenya. Therefore a sample of 100% of total population was taken in the study which was sufficient to allow generalization. The sample size comprised of 50 key informants within the petroleum firms in Kenya. The questionnaires were used to collect data. Findings of the study were analyzed with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and data presented in percentages, frequencies, graphs, tables and pie charts. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and percentages. Inferential statistics such as correlation and regression was also used. The findings were presented in form of tables and figures. The findings of the study revealed that the four independent variables of electronic procurement, supplier evaluation, supplier relationship management and inventory management positively and significantly influenced the customer service delivery among petroleum firms in Kenya. The study concluded that an improvement in electronic practices of procurement elements such as e tendering, supplier evaluation indicators such as technical capability, supplier relationship aspects such as timely information and inventory management indicators such as demand forecasting enhance the customer service delivery.
Key Words: Procurement practices, E-Procurement practices, supplier evaluation, Supplier Relationship Management, contribution of inventory management, customer service delivery
CITATION: Magawa, R. A., & Karanja, N. (2019). Procurement practices and customer service delivery in petroleum industry in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1461 –1476.
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