The point of the investigation was to decide the impact of credit risk mitigation on the money related execution of Invest and Grow Sacco in Kakamega County concentrating on IGs development, gainfulness and execution. The target population was 90 employees of 6 branches of Invest and Grow Sacco in Kakamega County. A census was adopted to select respondents to participate in the study. Essential information was gathered utilizing organized surveys. Pilot testing was done and examined instruments had Cronbach's alpha qualities 0.7 or more affirming their dependability. Information was dissected utilizing measurable bundle for sociologies rendition 24 and both enlightening and inferential investigation demonstrated that all conceptualized examination factors. The examination presumes that Sacco’s should embrace the credit risk mitigation policy as a credit risk mitigating factor. This would ensure maximum returns on the Sacco and reduction in bad debts cases which would eventually lead to Sacco financial performance. A further study can be done using a panel study and time series data so as to compare results.
Key Words: Credit Risk Mitigation, Financial Performance, Invest and Grow Sacco
CITATION: Sikolia, A. X., & Juma, D. (2019). Effect of credit risk mitigation on financial performance on invest and grow Sacco in Kakamega County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1524 –1530.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1200
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