
The performance of projects in the Kenyan land development industry has of late been tempestuous. The study was particularly centered on the impact of task planning, venture correspondence, asset accessibility and partner's association on usage of land ventures actualized by SACCOS. The investigation was guided by the following specific objectives: to analyze the influence of project planning on performance of real estate projects financed by registered SACCOS in Nairobi City County; to establish the influence of project communication management on performance of real estate projects financed by registered SACCOS in Nairobi City County; to assess the influence of stakeholder involvement on performance of real estate projects financed by registered SACCOS in Nairobi City County; and to assess the influence of resource availability on performance of real estate projects financed by registered SACCOS in Nairobi City County. The study utilized descriptive examination outline. The target population of this study comprised of all the 153 land development ventures being actualized by the 38 SACCOS enrolled by SASRA in Nairobi County. It was established that most of the project implementation indicators had positive impact on performance of the real estate projects. The study further adopted a regression analysis to determine the relationship between the variables. The study findings showed that the four variables had a significant influence on performance of the real estate projects. The study recommended that a similar research should be conducted with an aim at investigating the determinates of project implementation on the performance of real estate projects financed by registered SACCOS in Nairobi with other variables or of other firms in other sectors, including the other counties in the Kenya. The findings showed that 69.4 % of the performance is explained by the four variables while 30.6 can be accounted by other factors captured by the standard error.

Key words: Project Implementation, Project Planning, Project Communication Management, Stakeholder Involvement, Resource Availability, Performance of Real Estate Projects

  CITATION: Masasabi, H. W., & Ngari, C. (2019).  Determinants of project implementation on performance of real estate projects financed by registered Saccos in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1542 –1555.

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