The study aimed at identifying strategic management challenges faced by SME’s in the provision of social security to their employees. Specific objectives for the study are to identify the influence of internal resources management in the provision of social security services to employees at speed capital, to determine influence of strategic orientation in the provision of social security services to employees at speed capital and to determine the influence of legal framework in the provision of social security services to employees at speed capital. The research had a target population of 64 employees. The sample size was 55 employees. The study used descriptive design. The study findings indicated that strategy implementation had a positive and significant effect on the provision of social security services. The study also found out that a significant level of variance is attributed to combination of the four independent factors investigated in the study that is, internal resources management, strategic orientation, strategic implementation and legal framework. Finally the study concluded that more resources should be set aside for development of human capital and innovations within an organization, that firms should avoid poor strategy implementation procedures that can be a hindrance challenge to an organization in meeting its goals. Finally the government should embrace and adopt the provisions of international treaties and conventions on the right to social security and improve governance standards of the mandatory scheme and widen coverage to majority of the workers in both the formal and informal sector.
Key terms: Social security, Resources management, Strategic orientation, Strategic Leadership
CITATION: Ouma, E., & Gichinga, L. (2019). Strategic factors influencing provision of social security services by midsized enterprises: A case study of speed Capital Ltd, Mombasa. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2006 –2022.
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