This study sought to determine the effects of resource fluidity on agility among universities in Kenya. The study targeted 70 officers however only 69 of them responded comprising the University's Deputy Vices Chancellors, heads of department (CODs and HODs), deans and directors of academic programmes, registrars, medical department, procurement department and director of planning. Instruments consisted of structured questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results were presented in tables and graphs and discussed. The results from the study indicated that agility was significantly associated with resource fluidity. Holding other resource fluidity variables constant, the odds for high agility category embracing the statement ‘the mobility of people and knowledge, institutional job rotation, and management embracing knowledge sharing’ were 10.692 times more than those with low agility. Holding other resource fluidity variables constant, the odds for high agility people embracing flexible budgeting and continuous change in changing environment was 3.88 times more than for low agility category. Holding other resource fluidity variables constant, the odds of someone with high agility agreeing with the statement ‘the size of the university was being adaptable to the needs that arise’ were 8.11 times more than the one with low agility. The outcome of the study was meant to address the concerns of various stakeholders in the higher education sector in the country on strategic agility. Specifically, public and private universities in the country would be enlightened on how they could be able to effectively implement their strategies in the face of numerous challenges facing them and dynamic changes including changing demands from their clients. Managers and leaders need to have the capacity to be flexible, have requisite competencies, and strategic sensitivity. Managers in higher education institutions will benefit on how to be strategically agile in the changing operating environment. For academicians, this study would form the foundation upon which other related and replicated studies can be based on. There is a need to conduct a research study to investigate other factors including organisational culture and collective commitment. Resources available are not sufficient to enable the universities to carry out all its mandate, thus the government needs to provide resources based on needs to the universities.
Key Words: Resource Fluidity, Strategic Agility, Universities in Kenya
CITATION: Rotich, J., & Okello, B. (2019). The effect of resource fluidity on strategic agility among universities in Kenya: Case of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technolog. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2176 – 2190.
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