This study examined the influence of procurement practices on organizational performance in the ministry of education. The variables of study were; inventory control, contract management and organizational performance. The target population was 150 employees working in procurement department in the ministry of education headquarters in Nairobi. A total of 45 respondents constituting all levels of employees in Jogoo house were selected using stratified sampling technique. Data collection used the questionnaire as the research instrument. Pilot testing of the research instruments to establish their validity and reliability was also conducted. The descriptive statistics used included frequencies, means, standard deviation, correlations and regression analysis generated by the SPSS data analysis tool. The findings revealed a positive correlation between inventory control and organizational performance and a positive correlation between contract management and organizational performance at the ministry of education. The study recommended that the national government, resource allocation departments and all the stakeholders in the ministry of education should organize sensitization seminars and workshops to enhance capacity building among the workers on contract administration in order to improve the quality of inputs. There is need for a similar study targeting employees in all sectors to compare results and bridge the gap regarding the findings.
Key Words: Inventory Control, Contract Management, Organizational Performance
CITATION: King’oo, D. M., & Muli, S. (2019). Influence of procurement practices on organizational performance in Kenyan Public Sector. A case of Ministry of Education. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2400 – 2412.
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