This empirical study investigated the relationship between servant leadership and organizational success in Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State. A sample size of 140 respondents which consisted of managers and supervisors was determined from a population of 220 respondents. The study adopted cross-sectional survey research design as it collected data from vast respondents. 140 copies of questionnaire were distributed and 122 copies were found useful for analysis. The questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive static while the study hypotheses were tested using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The findings revealed that servant leadership components affect organizational success measures, and recommended that Management should develop the idea of empowering subordinates to enable continued growth of the financial institutions. Management should develop humility and show by example in order for subordinates to emulate their style of leadership as these would facilitate realizations of institutions continuous existence and growth. Management should ensure that their behaviour exerts positive influence on subordinates towards achievement of organizational success.
Keywords: Servant Leadership, Empowerment, Humility, Organizational Success, Continuous Growth, Continuous Existence
CITATION: Vito, B., Mekuri-Ndimele, J. A., & Wahua, I, V. (2019). Servant leadership and organizational success of deposit money banks of Rivers State, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2444 – 2457.
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