Nairobi is one of the most populous cities in Africa. With approximately 4 million people, the city requires efficient health management information system. The government and private institutions have over the years invested huge sums of money into the health sector for the purchase of Information technology equipment’s in order to facilitate and improve service delivery. However, it’s emerging that these efforts have not borne fruits.
The study aimed at assessing the factors that affect the utilization of health information technology projects in Nairobi while focusing on the following objectives, the role of project identification on the utilization of health information systems (HIS), the role of project planning on the utilization of HIS, the role of project implementation on the utilization of HIS and the role of project monitoring and control on the utilization of HIS.
The researcher adopted the descriptive study design. A sample of 29 facilities from a target population of 97 health facilities owned by the government, private institutions and those owned by faith based organizations were selected using stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The researcher adopted a questionnaire for data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed using content analysis, whereas qualitative data was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0 for windows.
From the findings, some of the factors that influence the utilization of health information systems include age, lack of user involvement, lack of adequate knowledge on the use of the health information system, understaffing, change implementation, lack of refresher training, duration taken to repair the system in case it breaks down and motivation.
There is a need to involve users in the development of the system, ensure health facilities are equipped with the right number of staff, ensure the changes noted during testing the system are implemented adequately, ensure staff are trained are trained regularly, ensure the system is repaired immediately it breaks down and lastly, ensure that staff are well motivated.
Key Words: Health, Information Technology
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.129
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