Kenya is a growing nation with a continuous increase in its public expenditure. To meet its budget requirement, the Kenyan governments have resorted into heavy borrowing both internally and externally. While the activities taken by the governments may stimulate domestic economy, the large debt may lead to reduced foreign investments. The external debt payments may involve demand for foreign currency, and if the debt is beyond the production capacity of the country it may lead to inflation. If inflation is high, the debt will be serviced with cheaper real dollars affecting the counties exchange rate. However, a country’s currency exchange rate is an important determinant of its economic health as it plays an important role in a country's trade, which is critical to its development. It is towards this back borne that this paper keenly evaluated how the rising public debt in Kenya affects its foreign exchange rate. Monthly secondary data over a study period of 18 year (2001 to 2018) was to show the effect using a trend analysis and a time series regression model. The study scope was justified by the quick increase in the country’s external debt over the past few years. The study found that foreign public debt is positively related to the foreign exchange rate in Kenya. It is therefore important for the government to model the funding of the fiscal deficit by use of a healthy foreign debt that does not affect its foreign exchange rate adversly.
Key words: Kenya; Foreign Public Debt; Foreign Exchange Rate.
CITATION: Obwogi, J. (2019). Impact of rising public debt in Kenya on foreign exchange rate. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2550 – 2562.
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