The study sought to assess the influence of recruitment and selection on diversity management among state corporations in Mombasa County. The study involved selected major state corporations with head quotas in Mombasa County. The study was anchored on resource based theory which focuses on the resources of the organization. The study adopted a descriptive research design and targeted 137 employees in the human resource department in the five selected state corporations in Mombasa County. Sample size consisted of 35% (48) of the target population. Structured questionnaire containing a five pointed Likert scale were used. Introduction letter was obtained from Kenya Methodist University and a research permit from the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). Permission to collect data was sought from the selected state corporations. Data collected was edited and sorted for completeness and analyzed with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 22). Descriptive and inferential statistics frequencies and percentages as well as tables and graphs were used to present the analyzed data so as to facilitate a clear interpretation of results and assist in drawing conclusions. Due diligence was observed during the course of the study. Study results indicate that recruitment and selection influence diversity management and there exist a strong positive relationship (r=0.545) between recruitment and diversity management. The study concluded that recruitment and selection influence diversity management and has a strong relationship. The study recommended need to formulate and implement favorable recruitment and selection policies as this will help influence the diversity management.
Key Words: Recruitment, Selection, Diversity Management
CITATION: Ali, M. A., Mathuva, E., & Mwenda, P. (2019). Influence of recruitment and selection on diversity management among state corporations in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 55 – 65.
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