This paper focused on finding out the effects of resource allocation and employees’ commitment: A case study of the Nigerian Navy in Port Harcourt Metropolis of Rivers State. Research questions and null hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was estimated to be 1000 and the sample was 200 officers and ratings selected using purposive random sampling. A correlate of commitment questionnaire (ccq) with 40 items rated in a 5-point Likert Scale was the instrument used for collection of data. Research questions were answered using Mean and Standard Deviation, while the postulated hypotheses were analysed with Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the aid of SPSS at 0.05 level of alpha. The result obtained showed that the resources allocation have a significant relationship with employees' commitment level in the Nigerian Navy(NN) Ship Pathfinder in Rumuorlumeni, Port Harcourt metropolis of Rivers State.
Keywords: resources allocation, employee commitment, continuance commitment affective commitment, normative commitment.
CITATION: Tantua (Jr), E., & Egeonu, H. F. (2019). Resources allocation and employee commitment of the Nigerian Navy formation in South-South, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 406 – 418.
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